Sunday, October 11, 2009

my favorite picture

this is my favorite photo, here I am in the restaurant "la nueva china" celebrating the pharmaceutical titling my sister. In this picture I am with my sister and my friend in the restaurant parking lot. This photo is important to me and my family because it is the first in my family who has a degree, this photograph was taken on Wednesday, October 7, 2009. I like this photograph because it makes me happy to think that my sister is a professional and all the effort she made in college was not in vain, that makes me think that I can be a pro and the only thing I do is do their best in college to be a professional like my sister. Also I like this photograph that I see my sister very happy with his achievement and that makes my family happy. This photo makes me remember all the effort of my sister and all the fights we had because she was stressed because it had tempered .... jajajaja besides this photograph reminds me of the nice dinner we had .... MMMMMMMM